Welcome to the World of Horseracing

Record of the blog selections

Between March 2010 and April 2017, this blog recommended wagers on 520 individual races on Jump Racing in the UK, resulting in a PROFIT of £1,525.39 on cumulative stakes of £5,726 - this is equivalent to a Return On Investment of 26.60%.


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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Patience: the punters secret weapon

When horseracing gets a bit scrappy mid-week with cards consisting of small fields in lower-grade handicaps and 12+ runner maiden hurdle races, it is time to take a back step and refrain from having a wager. Patience is the punters secret weapon and it is very easy to fitter away hard-won profits on silly ill-thought-out wagers just because the money is burning a hole in your pocket and the thrill of your latest winner is starting to wane.
Yesterday, I thought I had found a value wager and, in fact, I had. My selection THE MUSICAL GUY had an SP of 3/1 for the novice chase, but readers of the blog were able to take the 11/2 available in the morning. As I wrote yesterday, in my opinion the front-3 in the betting (Howard's Legacy, The Musical Guy and Volador) should have been about 5/2 for the race and, as it happened, the market basically agreed. Howard's Legacy was sent-off the 2/1 joint-fav (from 11/8 in the morning) having drifted to 11/4 at one stage, and the other 2/1 joint-fav was Volador (from 11/4). Unfortunately for my selection, eventual winner Howard's Legacy had too much tactical speed approaching 3-out and gained a winning advantage. He needed it though, as on the uphill run-in at Leicester he virtually emptied-out and he probably would have lost the race within another 100 yards.
The first of my handicap appraisal supplements was sent out yesterday. Those who have donated a minimum of £8 to receive the Cheltenham Festival Bulletin will receive these supplements, which won't be posted on the blog. If you want the Bulletin, and the supplements (the 2nd one is under preparation) and drafts of my daily blog pages on the evening before racing during the week of the Cheltenham Festival, then do yourself a favour and make a minimum donation of £8.00.
No selections today. I've been looking thru' the entries in today's Weekender and there appear to be some interesting opportunities coming up in the next few days, and a couple on Saturday look likely candidates for a wager. Patience is the punters secret weapon!
Thanks for reading this blog and I hope you get enjoyment from it.
If you have a successful wager on the back of what you read here (and with over 500 regular readers, I'm assuming plenty do – that's why they keep coming back), then please make a contribution as an expression of thanks via the donate button.
Remember – gambling on horseracing should be a pleasurable experience – never bet more than you can afford to lose.
Thanks from Wayward Lad

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