Welcome to the World of Horseracing

Record of the blog selections

Between March 2010 and April 2017, this blog recommended wagers on 520 individual races on Jump Racing in the UK, resulting in a PROFIT of £1,525.39 on cumulative stakes of £5,726 - this is equivalent to a Return On Investment of 26.60%.


There are NO affiliate links on this site to bookies from whom the author receives over 30% of the stakes from your lost wagers.ising selections on which to wager, since March 2010.

Friday 21 February 2014

Cheltenham Festival Bulletin for 2014 by Wayward Lad

Today, I have just completed and issued to donators - who have been generous enough to donate a minimum of £10 to the Wayward Lad blog during the course of this jump season - my Cheltenham Festival Bulletin for 2014.

This is a masive undertaking for me, of over 14,000 words including a race-by-race trend analysis and a review of the major championship races with advised wagers.

If you want a copy sent to you via email, simply make a donation of at least £10.

If you have made a donation during the course of this season that is less than £10, and you want a copy, just donate the difference and I'll send out the bulletin.

Last year advised wagers made profits of 100% at advised stakes (ie: if you'd placed £100 on the wagers advised in the 2013 bulletin, you'd have left the bookies with £200 in your pocket), and I'm hoping that I will be having similar success this year.

All the best from Wayward Lad.

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